New program at Skills Centre in Trail
Inclusive Futures in Industry and Trades Program is a three year program that started in July. It is directed at girls in grades 10 – 12, as well as women living with low income and gender diverse individuals. The program provides individuals with the opportunity to explore employment in traditionally male-centric fields, through job shadows.
Our goal in reaching out is that there may be girls or gender diverse individuals that would like to participate in a job shadow with different local employers. After the job shadow, Zoe Dowdall, our facilitator will debrief with the students on their experience, where they can share their feedback, we will then provide the information back to employers for their consideration.
Participants receive $100 for each job shadow they attend, we will also provide refreshments as necessary and transportation supports (this is something we know may be an issue for students that don’t drive or don’t have a vehicle but perhaps if parents were willing to transport students we can provide gas supports to them, we just are not able to transport participants in our programs in our own vehicles).
Our goal is to have up to 6 students per job shadow. We are in the process right now of setting up times with different employers throughout the region and then we hope that individuals could attend two or three different employer job shadows to get an idea of different trades or industries.
Here is the poster: /media/11188