LVR Celebration of Excellence & Achievement 2019
LV Rogers Secondary Awards for Excellence & Achievement 2019
Congratulations to the following students who were recipients of the Major Awards at the LV Rogers Secondary Awards Ceremony for Excellence & Achievement 2019:
Top Citizen
Awarded to Ms. Brynn Belland, Grade 12 for excellence and achievement in service leadership.
Top Service
Awarded to Ms. Olivia Kelly, and Ms. Leoni Mathes, both Grade 12, for their service leadership.
Top All Round
Awarded to Mr. Kaegan Corbin, Grade 12, for excellence and achievement in service leadership, citizenship, and academics.
Special Recognition
Special recognition goes to Ms. Sophie Edney, Grade 12, for her nomination for the Schulich Leadership Scholarship, a nomination representing top STEM students in each high school.
Special recognition goes to Ms. Sarah Shaw, Grade 11, and Mr. Jasper Anders, Grade 11, for their successful applications to the national Canadian SHAD STEM Entrepreneurial Summer Program.
Congratulations to the following students for Athletic Major Awards at the LV Rogers Secondary Awards Ceremony for Excellence & Achievement 2019:
Top All Around Athletes
Ms. Rylee Zondervan, Grade 12 and Mr. Matti Erickson, Grade 10
Top Athlete Scholars
Ms. Rylee Zondervan, Grade 12, and Mr. Mike Zarakoff, Grade 12
Outstanding Athlete Honours
Ms. Maren Kernan, Grade 12, and Mr. Relmu Wilson-Valdez, Grade 11
See Nelson Daily News article (click here) for more information.
LV Rogers Secondary Honour Roll and Principal's List (Semester 1) 2019
LV Rogers Secondary Students are eligible for recognition on the LV Rogers Honour Roll and Principal's List.
Honour Roll Criteria
Grades 9 and 10: Must be enrolled in full course load, with 86% average across courses
Grades 11 and 12: Must be enrolled in 75% course load, with 86% average across courses
Principal's List Criteria
Grades 9 and 10: Must be enrolled in full course load, with 90% average across courses
Grades 11 and 12: Must be enrolled in 75% course load, with 90% average across courses
Please see attached pdf files for student acknowledgements.
Congratulations to all students on their achievement!