September 21, 2024
LVR Weekly Update - 21Sep24

Good day out there, LVR Community.
Congratulations to our LVR boys' soccer teams for their silver medal finish this week in Vernon! (New Grizzlies jerseys are in the works.) As always, a big thank you to the adults who step forward to provide these opportunities for our youth and to players for showing up, getting involved, and representing LVR & the Kootenays so well!
Please help us reach our school goal of raising at least $2000 this year by donating through Rec Leadership students' pledge forms or donating directing through the LVR Terry Fox Run school page at
- LVR Block Rotation - Note that there are changes to the early dismissal dates & last week in June that are now updated from the version emailed in August. Please save this one!
- SD8 2024-25 School Calendar
- LVR & SD8 Code of Conduct
- LVR Personal Digital Devices Policies & Procedures - new for 2024-25
- LVR Attendance Policies & Procedures - see updates for 2024-25
- Cafeteria Meals Ordering for September 23 - November 7 is now open at
- Grads
- Be sure to see the updates now coming the the Grad 2025 Google Classroom
- Grad parents/guardians, I will be in touch soon about our first group meeting for Grad 2025
- Upcoming Dates
- British Columbia Post Secondary Institutions Night - September 24 at 6:00 in Multi-Purpose Room
- Family Engagement Session: Digital Trends Virtual September 26, 2024, 6 - 7pm Digital Trends
- Snapchat, TikTok, Discord and Instagram are just a few of the social media platforms that are popular amongst our youth. What are the risks? What are the rewards? How do they differ from each other? How do help support our youth?
- PASSWORD: parent
- LVR Truth & Reconciliation Assembly - September 27 at 2:15 in the Gym
- National Day for Truth & Reconciliation Statutory Holiday - September 30
- LVR Athletics Update
- University Basketball Game in Nelson Fundraiser for LVR Athletics
- Girls & Boys Rugby at SHSS Castlegar - September 25
- Sr. Boys Volleyball at Mt. Sentinel - September 25 afternoon
- Cross-Country Running at Selkirk Castlegar - September 25 afternoon
- Jr. Girls Volleyball at Mt. Sentinel Tournament - September 27-28
- Sr. Girls & Sr. Boys Volleyball at SOSS Oliver Tournament - September 27-28
- LVR School Counsellors
- Students with Last Names A-L - Ms. Hobden -
- Monday-Wednesday 8:40-3:10, Thursday 8:40-11:45
- Students with Last Names M-Z - Ms. Terlingen -
- Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 8:40-3:10, Thursday 10:15-3:10
- Students with Last Names A-L - Ms. Hobden -
- Announcements...
- Weekly Counselling/Art Therapy at LVR - Wednesdays
- Art Therapy Drop in Group at LVR - Wednesdays at Lunch
- Art Therapy Drop-In Saturdays
- Taiko Drumming Performance at Capitol Theatre
- Interior Health September Health Promoting Schools Newsletter
- Parenting with the Whole Self Art Therapy Group for Parents
- Drug Prevention Campaign for Youth
- Directory of Mental Health Resources
- Foundry Virtual - Free Counselling for ages 12-24 and caregivers
- Everyday Anxiety Strategies for Teens
Take care & have a great weekend, everyone.
Dan Rude - Principal, LVR & REACH