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LV Rogers' Learning Support Centre in Rm 205 provides students who require additional academic support in regular classes with a block in the timetable to work on a specific subject, or to receive one on one or small group academic support.

Learning support is provided through additional time to work on or complete academic assignments, through strategies for time management and organization, and through some individual program supports for students who require an additional boost to their academic program.​

To be eligible for Learning Support block, students should have an IEP (Individual Education Program) that indicates benefiting from a Learning Support block.

Any student who needs space and time to write a test or summative assessment is welcome to use the Learning Support Centre.

LV Rogers Learning Support Centre also has activities and events to support student learning and mental health and well-being such as Freedom Quest Fridays, Lunch and Learns, and Study Sessions.

Inclusion Support Teachers:

Ms. Melanie Mobbs -

Ms. Renee Kelly -

Resources for Parents & Students