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LVR’s Declaration of Inclusion

We, as the community of LV Rogers Secondary, wish for a school that represents and reflects our community in a way that is inclusive, motivating, and equitable. Emotional support, respect, judgment, and representation are all highly valued within our school community. We want a school where all students and staff are valued and everyone has an understanding of respect and accountability towards ourselves and others. We stand for equity in our classrooms and value the earth and the people who call it home. We want our students to be examples of a future that supports each other and prioritizes the community of our school. We wish to feel comfortable with our fellow students and value the education that we are given. We deserve a school that is inclusive, empowering, and one that inspires us to learn.

The LVR Staff, Students, and Community will uphold the following core values and principles.

  • Every person in LVR regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sex, sexual orientation, religion, opinion, or physical/mental abilities will be treated with empathy.
  • Every person in our LVR community has the duty to treat others with respect, humility, and dignity.
  • Every person is guaranteed a safe environment.
  • Every person must strive to have an open mind about diverse beliefs and opinions, as long as it does not interfere with the core beliefs of this declaration. 
  • Every person of the LVR community is responsible for ensuring that these rights are upheld for all others.
  • Every person should strive to understand the needs of our fellow students, staff, and community members.
  • Every person should receive mindful education regarding mental and sexual health.
  • Every person should recycle their waste, use reusable containers, and be eco-friendly.
  • Every person should be held responsible for the way they act.
  • Every person should respect school property and “report” acts of vandalism.


We believe that if these previous points are valued by each person in this school, LVR Secondary will be a place that everyone feels comfortable to go. Following these points, we present you with our declaration.

We hereby declare that:

  1. LVR staff, students, and community shall commit to treating students empathetically, with kindness and respect. 
  2. We commit to the respect of school infrastructure and will not deface or destroy it.
  3. We commit to speaking up when we believe that something is wrong or unjust. 
  4. We commit to understand the necessity for adult intervention for underperformance, and the resurgence of the importance of student grades. We all care about strong performance and the impact this has on our futures.
  5. We commit to not attend school under the influence of drugs, alcohol, etc.
  6. We commit to our personal expression in ways that does not interfere with the core beliefs of this declaration.
  7. We commit to engaging with educational material from diverse perspectives, culturally, politically, and socially. 
  8. We commit to ideas being challenged in a respectful and productive manner. 
  9. We commit to helping our fellow students by approaching staff with any concerning circumstances that will be met with sincerity.
  10. Students should commit to respecting bodily autonomy and personal space.


Furthermore, all of these commitments in conjunction will improve the education, quality of life, personal growth, and communal interactions of the LV Rogers community.