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LVR Weekly Update - 10Jan25


"LET'S go GRIZZ-lies!"

Fun and spirited day at LVR yesterday in hosting our home basketball tournament and had the whole school in the gym to watch our boys take on, and get a hard-fought win, against Mt. Baker from Cranbrook!  Thanks to Mr. MacKinnon, Mr. McComb, and Rec Leadership students for their parts in making this happen and to all who participated so positively. 

One more regular week of classes left for semester one, followed by a Pro-D Day on January 20 and then four double-block days for final assessments, test, and projects, January 21-24. Students who need to attend on Monday, January 27 will have communication directly from teachers.

Semester two starts on Tuesday, January 28th and runs as single block ABCD classes from Tuesday-Friday.  See the most updated LVR Block Rotation link below for the full block rotation calendar.  

Ongoing Details...

Take care, everyone.

Dan Rude - Principal, LVR & REACH