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If you are a parent or guardian of a child who is attending LV Rogers Secondary then you are a member of the LVR Parent Advisory Council (PAC). PAC meetings are held monthly throughout the year (in person and online formats are used for all meetings) and all parents are welcome to attend. These meetings provide opportunities to find out what's happening in the school, to ask questions, and to provide input. Dan Rude attends and gives a 'Principal's Report' at each meeting to update parents on school events and issues.

Our PAC constitution states that "The Council's primary mandate is to promote effective communication between the home and the school. The Council shall encourage parents to participate in meaningful educational activities and decision-making, to strengthen the role of families in education and schooling and to foster meaningful participation." 

The role of our PAC is to work in collaboration with the school administration and faculty. Please note that PAC meetings are not the place to discuss school personnel, individual students and/or parents.

The LVR PAC is not a fundraising group. However, the PAC does administer and distribute funds received from the provincial government through the Gaming Commission Branch. These funds are specifically targeted for supporting extra-curricular events.

Get in the Loop and get information about upcoming meetings and PAC activities please email us at to get on our list serve.

Links to PAC documents are here: